I was building an application in Python for automating some routine office
work. Doing which, I came across a problem where I have to calculate the extra
deduction from the salary of employee if s/he is not present in the office
even for a single day of any month. So, let's break down the problem in
smaller chunks and solve it.
Split method will return three strings containing month, date and year which will mapped to imonth, idate and iyear as an integer.
Simplified version of our task
- Get the two dates from user
- First input will be starting date (inclusive)
- Second input will be ending date (inclusive)
- Convert the raw input into a date object of Python
- Pass it to a function for result (whole months) calculation
- Print the result.
Converting raw input of date into date object
In Python, all the user input from input function is receive as a string of text. We can process that string of text and extract the exact day, month and year values if user follows given standard format of input. This is demonstrated below.from datetime import date
rawDIn = input("Enter a date (MM/DD/YYYY) :")
imonth, idate, iyear = map(int, rawDIn.split('/'))
dateObj = date(iyear, imonth, idate){codeBox}
Split method will return three strings containing month, date and year which will mapped to imonth, idate and iyear as an integer.
Checking for leap year to fix days in Feb
For checking if a given year is leap year or not, there is build-in function in python, however, i build my own which returns True if given year is leap and False if it is not.def isleapyear(year):
__if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):
____return True
____return False{codeBox}
ill use it :)
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for sharing this